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May Half Term

  • Shearing Demonstrations
  • Nature Activities
  • Sand Art
  • Lamb Feeding Experience
  • Celebrate Wildflowers

Returning May Half Term 2025.

With the beauty of The Cotswolds in full bloom, we're excited to unveil exciting ways in which families can get up-close to members of our flock and celebrate the wonderful nature that surrounds the farm.

See what you can get up to:

Shearing 09

Shearing Returns!

Daily from 12PM - 1PM

With the warm weather on the way, it’s time to relieve the Farm Park’s sheep of their woolly winter coats. 

Join our team in The Animal Barn as they host a series of demonstrations, teaching visitors about the shearing process and superb qualities of wool. 

Rosie B CFP PLAY 1

Nature Ranger Activities

Explore our woodland to see what you can find in there. Meet our Nature Ranger at 10:30AM & 2:30PM at the Highland Pad (entrance to the woods) to participate in worm hunting and a scavenger hunt.

Mockup Multiple V2

Celebrate Wildflowers

Create your own Wildscape seed bombs to take home with you and plant in your own garden. 

Shop Seeds

Sand Pit

Nature & Bug Themed Sand Art

Make your way over to our Exploratorium where you can create your own image of coloured sands. Additional charges apply.

Feed our hungry lambs

Daily at 11.30AM & 3.30PM

It's feeding time at the Farm Park and we're getting ready to fill up our growing youngsters' bottles with milk for you to give them their breakfast and dinner.

Bottle Feeding

Glamping in The Cotswolds

Our rolling hills are the ideal setting for a wholesome glamping experience, so  we've curated a range of options to cater to every kind of adventurer...

Each are designed to make your stay comfortable, providing a blend of rustic charm and modern luxury.

Stay with us

CFP Landscapes July 2023 With Fade (1)

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