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The Agria Charity Ride

For our final Cotswold Fun Ride of the season, we invite you to join us with your beloved equine companion for The Agria Charity Ride, where a £10 charitable donation from each ticket will be made on behalf of each rider and split between three charities.

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The Course

Our Fun Rides start and finish at the Cotswold Farm Park, where there is hot and cold refreshments available in our restaurant, as well as toilet facilities.

The route covers approximately 10 miles of varied terrain with an optional shortcut that reduces the course by around 3 miles.

There is also ample suitable parking for horse boxes.

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Charity Support

For this weekend only, a £10 charitable donation will be made on behalf of each rider and split between the following three charities chosen by Agria:

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What’s included?

  • Photographer on site for every event. 
  • Rosette for every rider.
  • Free tea, coffee or squash.
  • Timed starting slots to prevent overcrowding.
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Novice Ride Slots

We care about creating a welcoming environment for riders, including those new to the sport or with young horses.

Look out for our dedicated Novice Ride slot (the last of the day), tailored to provide a supportive and confidence-building experience.

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Please note that Cotswold Farm Park does not offer horse hire.

To participate in our Fun Rides, riders must bring their own horses.

Non-riders are welcome to enjoy the farm park's amenities during the event.

Agria specialises in small animal and equine insurance and offers unique Lifetime Equine cover. Founded in Sweden over 130 years ago, Agria started underwriting policies in the UK in 2009 and is now a prominent part of the UK pet insurance sector.

For more information visit agriapet.co.uk


CFP Landscapes July 2023 With Fade (1)

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