Conditions Of Entry

1. Bookings and Entry

1.1 Horse entry numbers are limited so all bookings must be made through the entry form in advance of the event. It will be down to the organisers discretion as to whether additional horses can be added on the day.

1.2 Bookings include entry for two handlers per horse, any additional people will require an entry ticket for the event.

1.3 We reserve the right to amend or cancel the event at any time due to unforeseen circumstances or any other reason that is in the best interest of horse, rider and Cotswold Farm Park Ltd.

2. Registration

2.1 On arrival all riders and handlers must report to registration. 

2.2 All horses must be accompanied by their horse passport at all times during transportation and this should be available for inspection if requested.

2.3 Horses must have evidence of their equine influenza vaccination received within the last 12 months however they cannot be entered if they have been vaccinated within 7 days of the event.  

2.4 All equines on the showground must be insured for third party public liability and you will be expected to show proof if requested.

3. Rider & Horse

3.1 All riders must wear a hard hat to the current approved standard (correctly fastened) when mounted. All riders are strongly advised to wear appropriate body protection.

3.2 Riders and Handlers must follow all instructions given to them by the event organisers, the registration staff, or any other Cotswold Farm Park staff.

3.3 All riders must have full control of their horse at all times and be appropriately skilled to ride and handle horses safely in a sensible manner. Horses must not be left tied up unattended in the event area.

3.4 Rider and Handlers must show respect for their horses, officials and stewards at all times

4. Safety of Children

4.1 An adult must sign for any rider under 18 years of age and remains completely responsible for their safety and actions at all times.

4.2 The minimum age for young handlers is 13 years old.

  • Young handlers (aged between 13-16) must not handle colts or stallions.

4.4 Children must adhere to all terms and conditions as stipulated

5. Show Entry

5.1 All riders are required to sign in and out of the event.

5.2 Riders and Handlers may query a decision but they must do this politely and listen to the explanation. The judges decision is then final. Any objections to be lodged in writing with the show secretary with the appropriate fee of £30 which is refundable if the objection is upheld.

6. Behaviour

6.1 You will be respectful of our guests and behave suitably for the presence of children

6.2 Our site is completely non-smoking, with the exception of the car park.

6.3 You will leave the site as you found it – clear any horse muck, litter, etc before leaving the site

6.4 Cotswold Farm Park offers a range of food and beverage options for customers to enjoy during events. Bringing outside food and alcohol onto the premises undermines the farm park's ability to provide quality service and support local vendors. We therefore ask horse owners to only consume their own food within their horse parking area.

7. Conditions of Acceptance

7.1 You agree to indemnify Cotswold Farm Park Ltd and keep Cotswold Farm Park Ltd indemnified against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses suffered or incurred by Cotswold Farm Park Ltd arising from or in connection with any breach of these terms by you.

7.2 These rules are in the interest of your own safety.

7.3 By signing the registration you are agreeing to abide by these rules.

7.4 Subject to these terms, you also accept full liability for the actions and safety of any persons who accompany you.

8. Photography

8.1 By participating in the Fun Ride events you give Adam Henson’s Cotswold Farm Park full permission to use any photos taken for promotional purposes. This may include e-newsletters, online and print advertising, circulation to the media and any other media we may choose to use in the future.

If you have any queries, please contact

CFP Landscapes July 2023 With Fade (1)

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